
coatofarms9/17/2015Joined Squad
ACMr11/17/20152 Months Participation (2AH)
CMr10/11/2016Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 200. (3AH)
CMr10/11/2016Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 199 to 200. (3AH)
CMr12/3/2016Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 201 to 202. (3AH)
CMr10/6/2017Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 212. (3AH)
CMr2/4/2018Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 215 to 216. (3AH)
MSMr6/11/2016For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Battle of Dnieper Scenario Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr10/22/2016For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Tunisia 1943 Scenario Phase 1. (3AH)
MSMr6/17/2017For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Big Week ScenarioFrame 3. (3AH)
MSMr8/18/2017For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Britain Alone, Battle of Britain 1940 - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr8/19/2017For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: The Hardest Day: August 18th, 1940 Scenario. (3AH)
MSMr9/15/2017For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Pantelleria 1943 - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr11/17/2017For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Java 1942 - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr1/19/2018For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Operation Torch - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr2/4/2018Receiving his 5th CM (3AH)
MSMr2/17/2018For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Battle of the Western Kuban Scenario, Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr3/16/2018For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Malta 1942 - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr10/6/2018For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Pantelleria Scenario, Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr1/31/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Leyte 1944, Scenario Phase 1. (3AH)
MSMr3/2/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Nuisance Raids 1942; Frame 3. (3AH)
BSr8/19/2017For attaining his 5th MSM. (3AH)
BSr2/17/2018For attaining his 10th MSM (3AH)
PUCr11/30/15For dominate performances in special events. In almost every FSO frame the Arabian knights have shown superior success in the sky, regardless of the assignment. Finally, for our achievement of a squad level first place in 2014 Combat challenge I award all members of the Arabian Knights the Presidential Unit Citation.
PUCr12/14/2015For a dominate performance in the 2015 Combat Challenge. In almost every frame the Arabian knights shown superior success in the sky, in not only being the top Allied Squad by outscoring our closet competition by 96%, but also the top overall Squadron of the event by 35%. For finishing first place as the top Allied Squadron in the 2015 Combat Challenge, I award all current members of the Arabian Knights the Presidential Unit Citation.
AMr12/14/2015For an impressive number 3 overall Allied Pilot of the 2015 Combat Challenge with 55 kills.
PHr3/9/2018For successfully landing his aircraft after receiving a pilot wound during combat operations FSO Malta 1942 - Frame 1. (3AH)
PHr3/23/2018For successfully landing his aircraft after receiving a pilot wound during combat operations FSO Malta 1942 - Frame 3. (3AH)
SCMr2/20/2016For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Southern Conquest Scenario.
SCMr6/18/2016For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Battle of Dnieper Scenario. (2AH)
SCMr10/22/2016For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Tunisia 1943 Scenario. (3 AH)
SCMr6/25/2017For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Big Week Scenario. (3 AH)
SCMr8/19/2017For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during The Hardest Day: August 18th, 1940 Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr3/11/2018For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during The Battle of the Western Kuban Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr11/2/2018For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Pantelleria Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr1/31/2019For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Leyte, 1944 Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr3/10/2019For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Nuisance Raids 1942 Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr2/20/2016For participation in all four frames of the Southern Conquest Scenario.
SPMr10/22/2016For participation in all four Phases of the Tunisia 1943 Scenario.
SPMr4/5/2017For participation in all four Phases of the Hell Over the Hinterland Scenario.
SPMr6/25/2017For participation in all four Frames of the Big Week Scenario.
SPMr8/19/2017For participation in all four Phases of The Hardest Day: August 18th, 1940 Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr3/11/2018For participation in all four Phases of The Battle of the Western Kuban Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr6/26/2018For participation in all four Phases of the Fjord Fury Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr11/2/2018For participation in all four Phases of the Pantelleria Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr1/31/2019For participation in all four Phases of the Leyte, 1944 Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr3/10/2019For participation in all four Frames of the Nuisance Raids 1942 Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr7/2/2019For participation in all four Phases of the Bavaria 1945 Scenario. (3AH)
MM12/4/2015For achieving 10 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH)
SSB9/9/2016For achieving 50 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH)
EMB4/7/2017For achieving 75 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (3AH)
FCB9/15/2017For achieving 100 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (3AH)
ECMr12/31/2016For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2016. (3AH)
ECMr12/28/2017For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2017. (3AH)
ECMr12/31/2018For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2018. (3AH)
WCMr12/31/2016For active participation in FSO European theater of operations during 2016. (3AH)
WCMr12/28/2017For active participation in FSO European theater of operations during 2017. (3AH)
WCMr12/31/2018For active participation in FSO European theater of operations during 2018. (3AH)
MSMr1/31/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Leyte 1944, Scenario Phase 1. (3AH)
MSMr3/2/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Nuisance Raids 1942; Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr8/31/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Battle of Britain, Scenario – Phase 3. (3AH)
BSr8/31/2019For attaining his 15th MSM (3AH)
MSMr10/12/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Anzio, Scenario – Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr10/26/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Anzio, Scenario – Frame 4. (3AH)
SCMr1/31/2019For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Leyte, 1944 Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr3/10/2019For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the TFT Nuisance Raids 1942 Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr8/31/2019For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the TFT Battle of Britain Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr11/4/2019For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Anzio Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr8/31/2019For participation in all four Phases of the TFT Battle of Britain Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr11/4/2019For participation in all four Frames of the Anzio Scenario. (3AH)
MSMr12/24/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: TFT “Berlin 1945” Scenario, Phase 1. (3AH)
ECMr12/29/2019For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2019. (3AH)
WCMr12/29/2019For active participation in the FSO European Theater of operations during 2019. (3AH)
MSMr2/7/2020For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO: Greatest Air Battles: Kursk 1943 Frame 1 (3AH)
RBFCr2/7/2020For achieving 250 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH)
CMr5/29/2020Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 239 to 240. (3AH)
SCMr6/30/2020For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the To Win the Winter Sky Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr6/30/2020For participation in all four Frames of the To Win the Winter Sky Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr8/14/2020For participation in all three frames of the Fortress Europe Blitz Week Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr9/26/2020For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the TFT "Dieppe" Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr8/29/2020For participation in all four Phases of the TFT "Dieppe" Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr10/17/2020For participation in all four Phases of the TFT "Tali-Ihantala" Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr10/17/2020For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the TFT "Tali-Ihantala" Scenario. (3AH)
ECMr12/26/2020For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2020. (3AH)
WCMr12/26/2020For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2020. (3AH)
MSMr2/12/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Battle in the Balkans: Operation Marita - Frame 2. (3AH)
BSr2/12/2021For attaining his 20th MSM (3AH)
MSMr3/5/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Mountbattens Melee - Frame 1. (3AH)
SPMr3/29/2021For participation in all four Frames of the "Leyte" Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr3/29/2021For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the "Leyte" Scenario. (3AH)
MSMr4/9/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Velikiye Luki 1943: Little Stalingrad of the North - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr6/4/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Operation Cherry Blossom: Bougainville 43 - Frame 1. (3AH)
SPMr11/21/2021For participation in all four Frames of the "Cherkassy Pocket" Scenario. (3AH)
MSMr11/27/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Fortress Europe: Push to the Rhine 1944 (3AH)
BSr11/27/2021For attaining his 25th MSM (3AH)
LoMr11/27/2021For attaining his 5th Bronze Star (3AH)
MSMr12/17/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Pushing Back: Moscow 1941 - Frame 3. (3AH)
WCMr12/22/2021For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2021. (3AH)
ECMr12/22/2021For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2021. (3AH)
SPMr2/5/2022For participation in all three Phases of the TFT "Bougainville" Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr2/5/2022For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the TFT "Bougainville" Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr4/10/2022For participation in all four Frames of the Back to Berlin: 1945 Scenario. (3AH)
MSMr9/23/2022For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Battle for the Arakan: Burma 1944 - Frame 3. (3AH)
SPMr10/28/2022For participation in all four Frames of the "Operation Husky" Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr10/28/2022For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the "Operation Husky" Scenario. (3AH)
MSMr11/4/2022For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Germany's Last Stand: North Sea 1945 - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr12/9/2022For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Der Kessel - Stalingrad Airlift - Frame 2. (3AH)
WCMr12/22/2022For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2022. (3AH)
ECMr12/22/2022For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2022. (3AH)
MSMr1/13/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Last Hop: Okinawa 1945 - Frame 2. (3AH)
BSr1/14/2023For attaining his 30th MSM (3AH)
MoH1/17/2023AKWarHwk+ has in the past shown his dedication and leadership within the Squadron. He is well respected and an ambassador to the game not only with his duties as Squadron S5, but as a member of the CM Design team. His talent and skill as an accomplished virtual Pilot are among the best within the Squadron and the game.
DFCr1/18/2023For achieving Ace status in two or more FSO frames in 2022. Destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft in two Aces High special events in 2022. In addition, each pilot has demonstrated mastery in all areas of Aces High aerial combat to include fighter combat, bombing, JABO, resupply and base take operations.
AMr1/18/2023For being a scoring leader in at least 1 frame of the 2022 FSO season.
PUCr1/18/2023For the dominate performances in special events. In every 2022 FSO frame the Arabian knights have shown superior success in the sky, regardless of the assignment. Finishing among the top 3 squadrons for every frame of the year and attaining first place in 77% of those frames. For unparalled achievement, I award all current members of the Arabian Knights the Presidential Unit Citation.
MSMr1/20/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Last Hop: Okinawa 1945 - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr2/3/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO 1943 Tunisia: The Verdun Mediterranean - Frame 1. (3AH)
SPMr3/3/2023For participation in all four frames of the Battle for Paris Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr3/3/2023For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Battle for Paris Scenario. (3AH)
CMr5/2/2023Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 278 to 279. (3AH)
MSMr5/12/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Tacloban Tango - Frame 2 (3AH)
MSMr6/2/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Debacle in the Desert 2: Siege of Tobruk - Frame 1. (3AH)
CMr6/13/2023Special Decoration for Combat Action. For Superior Combat Action during an Arabian Knights-sanctioned Aces High event, flying the Consolidated B-24J Liberator to great success in attacking the assigned target. FSO Ramrod to Emden - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr7/7/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Citadel on the Danube: Budapest 1944-45 - Frame 1. (3AH)
BSr7/7/2023For attaining his 35th MSM (3AH)
MSMr9/8/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Reduction of Rabaul: Dec. 1943 to Feb. 1944 - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr9/22/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Reduction of Rabaul: Dec. 1943 to Feb. 1944 - Frame 3. (3AH)
CAr10/20/2023For achieving 500 one life kills in squad sanctioned special events. (3AH)
MSMr10/14/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Veilikye Luki, Scenario – Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr10/21/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Veilikye Luki, Scenario – Frame 3. (3AH)
SPMr11/6/2023For participation in all four frames of the Velikiye Luki Scenario. (3AH)
SCMr11/6/2023For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Velikiye Luki Scenario. (3AH)
MSMr11/17/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Clash at Kursk - Frame 3. (3AH)
BSr11/17/2023For attaining his 40th MSM (3AH)
WCMr12/23/2023For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2023. (3AH)
ECMr12/23/2023For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2023. (3AH)
MSMr1/5/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Break out from El Alamein - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr2/2/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Terminus - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr2/9/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Terminus - Frame 2. (3AH)
SCMr3/3/2024For the destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft during the Masters of the Air Scenario. (3AH)
SPMr3/3/2024For participation in all five frames of the Masters of the Air Scenario. (3AH)
MSMr4/12/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Channelfront Nuisance: 1942 - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr8/23/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Formosa Air Battles - Frame 3. (3AH)
BSr8/23/2024For attaining his 45th MSM (3AH)
WCMr12/27/2024For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2024. (3AH)
ECMr12/27/2024For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2024. (3AH)
MSMr1/24/2025For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Thunder Over the Solomons: Bougainville 1943 - Frame 3. (3AH)
SSr2/28/2025Awarded the Silver Star for scoring 26 victories in the February 2025 FSO event.: Under the Midnight Sun (3AH)