Awards | Date | Description |
coatofarms | 11/20/2003 | Joined Squad |
ACMr | 1/22/2004 | 2 months participation (2AH) |
CMr | 10/22/2004 | Greatest Attack Damage during Tour 56. (2AH) |
CMr | 2/27/2005 | Greates number of Base Captures during Tour 57. (2AH) |
CMr | 5/3/2005 | For his diligent effort to recruit members of the Lost Souls to the squadron. (2AH) |
CMr | 4/28/2006 | Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 70. (2AH) |
CMr | 4/27/2007 | Best improved K/D Ratio from Tour 84 to Tour 85. (2AH) |
CMr | 5/31/2008 | Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 99 to Tour 100. (2AH) |
CMr | 7/30/2008 | Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 101 to Tour 102. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/28/2009 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 106. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/23/2009 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 107. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/23/2009 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 109. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/28/2009 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 111. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/28/2009 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 114. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/28/2009 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 116. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/28/2009 | Best Improved Fighter K/D Ratio from Tour 115 to Tour 116. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/28/2009 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 117. (2AH) |
CMr | 12/5/2009 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 118. (2AH) |
CMr | 3/3/2010 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 121. (2AH) |
CMr | 6/12/2010 | Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 123 to Tour 124. (2AH) |
CMr | 6/12/2010 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 124. (2AH) |
CMr | 7/4/2010 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 125. (2AH) |
CMr | 8/4/2010 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 126. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/2/2010 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 129. (2AH) |
CMr | 6/6/2011 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 136. (2AH) |
CMr | 10/7/2011 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 140. (2AH) |
CMr | 10/2/2012 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 152. (2AH) |
CMr | 12/3/2012 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 154. (2AH) |
CMr | 1/9/2013 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 155. (2AH) |
CMr | 3/2/2013 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 157. (2AH) |
CMr | 6/6/2013 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 160 |
CMr | 8/3/2013 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 162 |
CMr | 10/6/2013 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 164 |
CMr | 11/8/2013 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 165 |
CMr | 12/7/2013 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 166 |
CMr | 1/10/2014 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 167 |
CMr | 2/6/2014 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 168 |
CMr | 5/3/2014 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 171 |
CMr | 6/5/2014 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 172. (2AH) |
CMr | 10/5/2014 | Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 176. (2AH) |
CMr | 11/6/2015 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 189. |
CMr | 12/3/2015 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 190. |
CMr | 4/3/2016 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 194. |
CMr | 6/3/2016 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 196. (2AH) |
CMr | 10/11/2016 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 200. (3AH) |
CMr | 11/4/2016 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 201. (3AH) |
CMr | 12/3/2016 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 202. (3AH) |
CMr | 3/8/2017 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 204. (3AH) |
CMr | 3/10/2017 | Greatest Bomber Damage per Death during Tour 205. (3AH) |
CMr | 4/5/2017 | Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 205 to Tour 206. (3AH) |
CMr | 6/4/2017 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 208. (3AH) |
CMr | 8/5/2017 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 210. (3AH) |
CMr | 9/8/2017 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 211. (3AH) |
CMr | 10/6/2017 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 212. (3AH) |
CMr | 8/2/2018 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 222. (3AH) |
CMr | 9/12/2018 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 223. (3AH) |
CMr | 10/3/2018 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 224. (3AH) |
CMr | 3/22/2019 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 229. (3AH) |
CMr | 5/10/2019 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 231. (3AH) |
CMr | 7/7/2019 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 233. (3AH) |
MSMr | 12/3/2004 | For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event. (2AH) |
MSMr | 9/30/2005 | For achieving Ace Status in a squad sanctioned event. (2AH) |
MSMr | 5/5/2006 | For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Breaking the Line - Frame 2. (2AH) |
MSMr | 4/27/2007 | For attaining 5th CM (Brig) |
MSMr | 7/10/2009 | For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Murder's Row Frame 1. (2AH) |
MSMr | 11/28/2009 | For attaining 10th CM (Brig) |
MSMr | 11/28/2009 | For attaining 15th CM (Brig) |
MSMr | 7/4/2010 | For attaining 20th CM (Brig) |
MSMr | 10/2/2012 | For attaining 25th CM (Brig) |
MSMr | 8/3/2013 | For attaining 30th CM (Brig) |
MSMr | 2/6/2014 | For attaining 35th CM (Brig) |
MSMr | 12/3/2015 | For attaining 40th CM (2AH) |
MSMr | 12/3/2016 | For attaining his 45th CM (3AH) |
MSMr | 8/5/2017 | For attaining his 50th CM (3AH) |
MSMr | 10/3/2018 | For attaining his 55th CM (3AH) |
BSr | 7/10/2009 | For attaining 5th MSM. (Brig) |
BSr | 8/3/2013 | For attaining 10th MSM. (Brig) |
BSr | 10/3/2018 | For attaining 15th MSM. (3AH) |
PUCr | 3/1/2007 | For attaining the #1 Squad during Tour 86. (2AH) |
PUCr | 11/30/2015 | For dominate performances in special events. In almost every FSO frame the Arabian knights have shown superior success in the sky, regardless of the assignment. Finally, for our achievement of a squad level first place in 2014 Combat challenge I award all members of the Arabian Knights the Presidential Unit Citation. |
PUCr | 12/15/2015 | For a dominate performance in the 2015 Combat Challenge. In almost every frame the Arabian knights shown superior success in the sky, in not only being the top Allied Squad by outscoring our closet competition by 96%, but also the top overall Squadron of the event by 35%. For finishing first place as the top Allied Squadron in the 2015 Combat Challenge, I award all current members of the Arabian Knights the Presidential Unit Citation. |
WCMr | 12/31/2007 | For active participation in FSO European Theater of Operations during 2007. (2AH) |
MM | 7/23/2004 | For achieving 10 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH) |
SSB | 9/30/2005 | For achieving 50 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH) |
EMB | 2/17/2006 | For achieving 75 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH) |
FCB | 7/23/2006 | For achieving 100 kills in squad santioned special events. (2AH) |
CMr | 9/6/2019 | Greatest number of Base Captures Tour 235. (3AH) |
CMr | 5/5/2020 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 241. (3AH) |
MSMr | 5/29/2020 | For attaining his 60th CM (3AH) |
CMr | 9/2/2020 | For the greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 246 to Tour 247. (3AH) |
CMr | 12/3/2020 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 250. (3AH) |
CMr | 3/5/2021 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 253. (3AH) |
CMr | 7/5/2021 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 257. (3AH) |
CMr | 10/4/2021 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 260. (3AH) |
MSMr | 10/4/2021 | For attaining his 65th CM (3AH) |
CMr | 11/2/2021 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 261. (3AH) |
CMr | 12/3/2021 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 262. (3AH) |
CMr | 1/4/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 263. (3AH) |
CMr | 2/2/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 264. (3AH) |
CMr | 3/2/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 265. (3AH) |
MSMr | 3/2/2022 | For attaining his 70th CM (3AH) |
CMr | 4/1/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 266. (3AH) |
CMr | 5/4/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 267. (3AH) |
CMr | 6/8/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 268. (3AH) |
CMr | 9/2/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 271. (3AH) |
CMr | 10/5/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 272. (3AH) |
MSMr | 10/5/2022 | For attaining his 75th CM (3AH) |
CMr | 11/2/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 273. (3AH) |
CMr | 12/3/2022 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 274. (3AH) |
CMr | 1/4/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 275. (3AH) |
PUCr | 1/18/2023 | For the dominate performances in special events. In every 2022 FSO frame the Arabian knights have shown superior success in the sky, regardless of the assignment. Finishing among the top 3 squadrons for every frame of the year and attaining first place in 77% of those frames. For unparalled achievement, I award all current members of the Arabian Knights the Presidential Unit Citation. |
CMr | 2/10/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 276. (3AH) |
CMr | 4/5/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 278. (3AH) |
MSMr | 4/5/2023 | For attaining his 80th CM (3AH) |
BSr | 4/5/2023 | For attaining his 20th MSM. (3AH) |
CMr | 5/2/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 279. (3AH) |
CMr | 6/6/2023 | Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 279 to Tour 280. (3AH) |
CMr | 6/6/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 280. (3AH) |
CMr | 7/10/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 281. (3AH) |
CMr | 8/3/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 282. (3AH) |
MSMr | 8/3/2023 | For attaining his 85th CM (3AH) |
CMr | 9/3/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 283. (3AH) |
CMr | 10/7/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 284. (3AH) |
CMr | 11/8/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 285. (3AH) |
CMr | 12/5/2023 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 286. (3AH) |
CMr | 1/3/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 287. (3AH) |
MSMr | 1/3/2024 | For attaining his 90th CM (3AH) |
CMr | 3/3/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 289. (3AH) |
SPMr | 3/3/2024 | For participation in all five frames of the Masters of the Air Scenario. (3AH) |
CMr | 4/3/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 290. (3AH) |
CMr | 5/4/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 291. (3AH) |
CMr | 6/3/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 292. (3AH) |
CMr | 7/2/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 293. (3AH) |
MSMr | 7/2/2024 | For attaining his 95th CM (3AH) |
CMr | 8/4/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 294. (3AH) |
CMr | 9/3/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 295. (3AH) |
CMr | 10/14/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 296. (3AH) |
CMr | 11/3/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 297. (3AH) |
CMr | 12/2/2024 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 298. (3AH) |
MSMr | 12/2/2024 | For attaining his 100th CM (3AH) |
CMr | 1/4/2025 | Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 299. (3AH) |