
coatofarms4/24/2005Joined Squad
ACMr6/24/20052 months participation. (2AH)
ACMr6/13/2008My flight was abandoned by two squads who were to help us, the Arabian Knights took it upon themselves to escort & diverge attacks on our heavy SBD's. The communication among their group and good tactical thinking helped the VF-6 (aka FIGHTING 31) on our mission. They helped to detour the enemy and went above and beyond while successfully completing their objectives. RATTFINK, CO VF-6 Fighter Squadron [FSO](Concur, AK 2AH CO)
CMr8/2/2005Best Improved K/D Ratio from Tour 62 to Tour 63. (2AH)
CMr10/27/2005Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 67. (2AH)
CMr10/27/2005Greatest Attack Damage during Tour 67. (2AH)
CMr8/2/2005Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 62 to 63. (2AH)
CMr8/2/2005Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 64. (2AH)
CMr8/2/2005Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 65. (2AH)
CMr8/2/2005Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 65. (2AH)
CMr10/27/2005Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 66. (2AH)
CMr10/27/2005Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 68. (2AH)
CMr4/28/2006Greatest Attack Damage during Tour 72. (2AH)
CMr4/28/2006Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 72. (2AH)
CMr4/28/2006Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 73. (2AH)
CMr4/28/2006Greatest Attack Damage during Tour 73. (2AH)
CMr5/5/2006Greatest Attack Damage during Tour 75. (2AH)
CMr1/12/2007Best Improved K/D Ratio from Tour 80 to Tour 81. (2AH)
CMr1/12/2007Greatest Attack Damage during Tour 78. (2AH)
CMr1/12/2007Greatest number of base captures during tour 78. (2AH)
CMr1/12/2007Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 79. (2AH)
CMr3/2/2007Best Improved K/D Ratio from Tour 83 to Tour 84. (2AH)
CMr12/5/2009Greatest Vehicle Damage per Death during Tour 118. (2AH)
CMr3/3/2010Greatest Vehicle Damage per Death during Tour 121. (2AH)
CMr4/3/2010Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 122. (2AH)
CMr11/2/2010Greatest Vehicle Damage per Death during Tour 129. (2AH)
CMr6/5/2014Greatest number of Base Captures during Tour 172. (2AH)
MSMr6/3/2005For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event. (2AH)
MSMr9/30/2005For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event. (2AH)
MSMr11/11/2005For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event. (2AH)
MSMr10/27/2005Receiving 5th CM (Brig)
MSMr4/7/2006For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Finalthrow Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr4/28/2006For attaining 10th CM. (Brig)
MSMr4/28/2006For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Breaking the Line - Frame 1. (2AH)
MSMr7/29/2006For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Fire in the Sky - Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr1/12/2007For attaining 15th CM (Brig)
MSMr9/21/2007For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Bangkok or Bust - Frame 3. (2AH)
MSMr10/19/2007For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Operation Strangle - Frame 3. (2AH)
MSMr11/9/2007For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Operation Cerberus - Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr11/30/2007For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Okinawa - The Final Battle - Frame 1.(2AH)
MSMr4/11/2008For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Back To Tokyo - Frame 1. (2AH)
MSMr4/18/2008For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Back To Tokyo - Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr5/23/2008For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Der KanalKompf:Donner Van Oben - Frame 3. (2AH)
MSMr9/12/2008For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Dogs of War - Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr10/10/2008For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Tunisia: 1943 Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr10/17/2008For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Tunisia 1943, Frame 3. (2AH)
MSMr12/19/2008For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO A Long December Frame 3. (2AH)
MSMr2/13/2009For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO August Storm Frame 1. (2AH)
MSMr2/20/2009For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO August Storm Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr11/20/2009For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Too Little, Too Late; Philippine 1941 - Frame 3. (2AH)
MSMr12/5/2009For attaining 20th CM. (Brig)
MSMr12/18/2009For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Point Blank Range Frame 3. (2AH)
MSMr5/14/2010For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Rangoon Surprise Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr9/3/2010For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Should Have Been a Milk Run Frame 1. (2AH)
MSMr12/10/2010For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Operation Accolade Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr4/11/2014For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Push to the Rhine - Operation Clarion Frame 2. (2AH)
MSMr6/6/2014For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Operation Iceberg Frame 1. (2AH)
BSr4/7/2006For attaining 5th MSM (Brig)
BSr4/22/2006AKDogg's outstanding flying capability has earned him to date 5 Meritoriuos Service Medals in just a short period of time. His performance is beyond comparison and I hereby award AKDogg the Bronze Star for his service and dedication with the Arabian Knights. AKKaz, AH CO (Brig)
BSr9/21/2007For attaining 10th MSM (Brig)
BSr4/18/2008For attaining 15th MSM (Brig)
BSr12/5/2008For attaining 20th MSM (Brig)
BSr12/18/2008For attaining 25th MSM (Brig)
BSr6/6/2014For attaining 30th MSM (Brig)
LoMr12/19/2008For attaining 5th BS (Brig)
PHr1/15/2010For successfully landing his aircraft after receiving a pilot wound during combat operations FSO Operation Panzerfaust - Frame 2. (Brig)
DSCr5/9/2008As squadron executive officer, AKDogg has proven himself to be a leader in the game. He has taken over the planning and execution of squadron FSO activities with great success. His FSO CIC accomplishments have won extreme favor with his peers. His ability to continually rally the troops in a common goal is unquestionable as others readily follow his leadership with confidence. AKDogg has proven to be one of the finest pilots in the game today. His skill in a fighter may be the best the squadron has feilded in many years. Many use him as a benchmark on their own skills as is attested by the many nightly challenges he receives in the game. His attitude, honor and the respect he receives from the community got him noticed by the AH CM Team, which in turn not only received him a membership invitation, but also the command position in operating the weekly Aces High "King of the Hill" events. For bringing the idea of what being a model AK is about to the rest of the AH community, I can think of noone better. (Brig)
AMr5/14/2007For his outstanding flying abilities, marksmanship,top rankings, and superior airmanship, AKDogg continually shows his dominance in the skies and is regarded as one of the top among his peers. (AKKaz AH CO)
MoH8/9/2014AKDogg has in the past has shown his dedication and leadership within the Squadron, not only as a former XO but as an individual member. He is well respected and an ambassador to the game. His creation of the AK Fuel Calculator and the AK Soundpak has generated many accolades from the community. His talent and skill as an accomplished virtual Pilot is to date unequaled within the Squadron.
PUCr3/1/2007For attaining the #1 Squad during Tour 86. (2AH)
PUCr11/30/2015For dominate performances in special events. In almost every FSO frame the Arabian knights have shown superior success in the sky, regardless of the assignment. Finally, for our achievement of a squad level first place in 2014 Combat challenge I award all members of the Arabian Knights the Presidential Unit Citation.
ECMr12/31/2007For active participation in FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2007. (2AH)
ECMr12/31/2008For active participation in FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2008. (2AH)
ECMr12/13/2009For active participation in FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2009. (2AH)
ECMr12/19/2010For active participation in FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2010. (2AH)
ECMr12/19/2011For active participation in FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2011. (2AH)
WCMr12/31/2007For active participation in FSO European theater of operations during 2007. (2AH)
WCMr12/31/2008For active participation in FSO European theater of operations during 2008. (2AH)
WCMr12/19/2009For active participation in FSO European theater of operations during 2009. (2AH)
WCMr12/19/2010For active participation in FSO European theater of operations during 2010. (2AH)
WCMr12/29/2014For active participation in FSO European theater of operations during 2014. (2AH)
MM6/3/2005For achieving 10 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH)
SSB1/13/2006For achieving 50 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH)
EMB4/28/2006For achieving 75 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH)
FCB7/30/2006For achieving 100 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (Brig)
RBFCr10/10/2008For achieving 250 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH)
CAr10/17/2014For achieving 500 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (2AH)
MSMr8/16/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO: Kanelkampf to Adlertag: Battle of Britain 1940 Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr11/1/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO: Clash at Kaafjord Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr11/15/2019For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO: Clash at Kaafjord Frame 3. (3AH)
DFCr12/6/2019For demonstrating unparalleled proficiency in the art of Aerial Combat in the FSO Event, Clash at Kaafjord. During the course of the three frames, AKDogg+ downed 20 enemy aircraft, assisted in the loss of 4 additional aircraft with only 1 death and a ditch. Being the only survivor in the final hour of frame 3 and being seriously outnumbered, he engaged the remaining Axis aircraft managing to down 2 additional aircraft.
WCMr12/29/2019For active participation in the FSO European Theater of operations during 2019. (3AH)
MSMr2/7/2020For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Greatest Air Battles: Kursk 1943 - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr4/3/2020For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Sicilian Stranglehold - Frame 1. (3AH)
BSr4/3/2020For attaining 35th MSM. (3AH)
CMr10/3/2020Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 247 to 248. (3AH)
MSMr10/3/2020For attaining his 25th CM.
MSMr10/16/2020For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Pantelleria 1943 - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr11/13/2020For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Operation Bagration; Summer 1944 - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr12/11/2020For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO: D-Day, White Flag - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr12/18/2020For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO D-Day, White Flag - Frame 3. (3AH)
BSr12/18/2020For attaining his 40th MSM. (3AH)
ECMr12/26/2020For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2020. (3AH)
WCMr12/26/2020For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2020. (3AH)
MSMr2/12/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Battle in the Balkans: Operation Marita - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr3/5/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Mountbattens Melee - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr3/19/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Mountbattens Melee: Dieppe - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr8/20/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Channel Dash - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr9/17/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Crossing the Dnieper: Cherkassy-Korsun 1943 - Frame 2. (3AH)
BSr9/17/2021For attaining his 45th MSM. (3AH)
LoMr9/17/2021For attaining his 10th BS (3AH)
CMr10/4/2021Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 260. (3AH)
MSMr10/22/2021For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Tigers Cage: Burma 1942 - Frame 3. (3AH)
WCMr12/22/2021For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2021. (3AH)
ECMr12/22/2021For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2021. (3AH)
CMr1/4/2022Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 262 to 263. (3AH)
MSMr4/15/2022For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Grapple for the Gulf: Continuation War 1942 - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr5/20/2022For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Push from Leyte 1944 - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr8/5/2022For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Final Victory - Kharkov 1943 - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr11/18/2022For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Germany's Last Stand: North Sea 1945 - Frame 3. (3AH)
BSr11/18/2022For attaining his 50th MSM. (3AH)
MSMr12/2/2022For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Der Kessel - Stalingrad Airlift - Frame 1. (3AH)
WCMr12/22/2022For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2022. (3AH)
ECMr12/22/2022For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2022. (3AH)
CMr1/4/2023Greatest increase in Hit % from Tour 274 to 275. (3AH)
DFCr1/18/2023For achieving Ace status in two or more FSO frames in 2022. Destruction of 10 or more enemy aircraft in two Aces High special events in 2022. In addition, each pilot has demonstrated mastery in all areas of Aces High aerial combat to include fighter combat, bombing, JABO, resupply and base take operations.
AMr1/18/2023For being a scoring leader in at least 1 frame of the 2022 FSO season.
AMr1/18/2023AKDogg+ continues to be one of the top pilots in the game. His superior airmanship and ACM skills dictate any confrontation his way, even outnumbered at times. He continues to be our leading Ace, being awarded the Meritorious Medal in FSO for Ace Status 11 times in the past 2 years.
PUCr1/18/2023For the dominate performances in special events. In every 2022 FSO frame the Arabian knights have shown superior success in the sky, regardless of the assignment. Finishing among the top 3 squadrons for every frame of the year and attaining first place in 77% of those frames. For unparalled achievement, I award all current members of the Arabian Knights the Presidential Unit Citation.
CMr2/10/2023Greatest Bomber Damage during Tour 276. (3AH)
MSMr4/21/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Ramrod to Emden - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr5/5/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Tacloban Tango - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr6/2/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Debacle in the Desert 2: Siege of Tobruk - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr6/9/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Debacle in the Desert 2: Siege of Tobruk - Frame 2. (3AH)
BSr6/9/2023For attaining his 55th MSM. (3AH)
MSMr7/7/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Citadel on the Danube: Budapest 1944-45 - Frame 1. (3AH)
MSMr9/22/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Reduction of Rabaul: Dec. 1943 to Feb. 1944 - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr11/10/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Clash at Kursk - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr12/8/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Devil's Broomstick: Germany 1944 - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr12/15/2023For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Devil's Broomstick: Germany 1944 - Frame 3. (3AH)
BSr12/15/2023For attaining his 60th MSM. (3AH)
WCMr12/23/2023For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2023. (3AH)
ECMr12/23/2023For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2023. (3AH)
MSMr2/9/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Terminus - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr2/16/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Terminus - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr3/1/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Extending the Continuation: Karelia 1944 - Frame 1. (3AH)
CMr4/3/2024Greatest Vehicle Damage per Death during Tour 290. (3AH)
MSMr4/3/2024For attaining his 30th CM.
MSMr4/5/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Channelfront Nuisance: 1942 - Frame 1. (3AH)
BSr4/5/2024For attaining his 65th MSM. (3AH)
MSMr4/12/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Channelfront Nuisance: 1942 - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr8/16/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Formosa Air Battles - Frame 2. (3AH)
MSMr8/23/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Formosa Air Battles - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr9/20/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Pantelleria 1943 - Frame 3. (3AH)
MSMr11/15/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO The Battle Between Darkness and Light - Frame 3. (3AH)
BSr11/15/2024For attaining his 70th MSM. (3AH)
LoMr11/15/2024For attaining his 15th BS (3AH)
CAr11/15/2024For the second time in achieving 500 kills in squad sanctioned special events. (3AH)
MSMr12/13/2024For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: FSO Into the Reich: Germany 1945 - Frame 2. (3AH)
WCMr12/27/2024For active participation in the FSO European theater of operations during 2024. (3AH)
ECMr12/27/2024For active participation in the FSO Asiatic theater of operations during 2024. (3AH)
MSMr2/14/2025For achieving Ace status in a squad sanctioned event: Under the Midnight Sun - Frame 2. (3AH)
DFCr2/28/2025Awarded the DFC for scoring 18 victories in the February 2025 FSO event.: Under the Midnight Sun (3AH)